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World Business Forum NYC 2018

World Business Forum New York is a two-day event that brings together senior-level decision makers from across all industries to learn from and be inspired by the world’s most renowned business thought leaders and practitioners.

The event includes distinguished speakers, networking, book signings and opportunities to connect and implement on this year’s theme: the “exponential,” a welcome to the exponential age – an age of movements, of possibility, of empowerment, of impact.

WBF NYC Speakers: JEFF IMMELT, (Chairman/CEO, General Electric (2001–2017);) ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, (Founder of the Huffington Post, Founder/CEO of Thrive Global,); DANIEL KAHNEMAN, (Nobel Prize Winner, Father of Behavioral Economics); DANIEL GOLEMAN, (Renowned Psychologist and Leading Authority on Emotional Intelligence.

It was our 6th appearance at the World Business Forum NYC, have to say thousands of people in attendance and great speakers from around the world, sharing their wisdom and expertize with people in attendance, see more about WOBI in our World Liberty TV Business Channel and Blogs by Clicking here.

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