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Women’s Forum New York’s 2019 Elly Awards Luncheon@ Plaza Hotel NYC

Katie Couric, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, and Muriel Fox

Honored at The 9th Annual Elly Awards Luncheon On Monday, June 17th, at the Plaza Hotel Benefiting The Education Fund of The Women’s Forum of New York.

Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and Founder of

“Know Your Value,” gave keynote remarks.

Cheryl Wills, Spectrum NY1 News Anchor,

Moderated a “Conversation on Leadership” with Honoree

Eleanor Holmes Norton.

The Women’s Forum of New York hosted the 9th Annual Elly Awards Luncheon benefiting The Education Fund of the Women’s Forum on Monday, June 17th, at The Plaza Hotel in New York City. The awards, named for the Women’s Forum founder Elinor Guggenheimer, honor outstanding women leaders. This year marked the 32nd anniversary of the Education Fund of the Women’s Forum, which has helped over 260 women, age 35 and over, whose lives have been disrupted by extreme adversity, complete their college degrees.

The 2019 Elly Award Recipients were:Katie Couric, award winning journalist, producer, New York Times bestselling author, cancer advocate, podcast host, documentary filmmaker, and former co-anchor of the Today Show on NBC.

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, representative for the District of Columbia and former Professor of Law at Georgetown University.

Muriel Fox, Board Chair of Veteran Feminists of America and former Executive Vice-President of Carl Byoir & Associates.

Linda A. Willett, President of the Women’s Forum of New York, gave opening remarks and introduced Barbara Marcus, President of the Education Fund, who discussed the Education Fund and introduced this year’s Education Fellows.

Cheryl Wills, Emmy Award winning anchor for Spectrum News NY1 Live at Ten and host of the public affairs talk show In Focus with Cheryl Wills, moderated a conversation on leadership with honoree Eleanor Holmes Norton following the presentation of the awards.

See more about Women’s Forum New York’s 2019 Elly Awards Luncheon@ Plaza Hotel NYC in our World Liberty TV Cultural channel by clicking here.

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