By:Dr.Adal M.Hussain,Phd (AKA) Dr.Abbey ,Editor @ Large for World Liberty TV
We celebrate Thanksgiving by educating the Latin community about American history and how to culturally integrate our Hispanic culture into an American tradition.
Close to 300 People enjoying Thanksgiving Dinner 2019
Together we can support and grow our communities, in a day like today we celebrate giving thanks as it is one of America’s nationwide and even Canadian holiday to bring people together.
Close to 300 people were in attendance, enjoying a nice Turkey dinner with all trimmings, fresh ice tea and assortments of Beverages, desserts were nice cakes and chocolate truffles, and fresh fruits in an creamy sauce.
Dr Abbey with Dominican Dancers
There was live entertainment, by Dominican dancers ,group called Ballet Quisqueya , a Nicaraguan dance troupe and folklore dancers of Bolivia, honored guest was Gale Brewer , Manhattan Borough President who made remarks.
Mrs Silvia Smith founder and president of Washington Heights Multi Cultural Center and organizer of the Thanksgiving dinner told us she has been doing this in the community many years, educating the latin community about thanks giving.
Silva Smith Host of Event Welcoming guests
One of the contributor was Mr Stephen L. Null , director of Friends of lead free Children, who told us he has been working on many projects in Dominican Republic, and it was a way of giving back to the Dominican Community.
Stephen Null of Friends of lead free Children Serving Thanksgiving dinner
He was one of the servers for the Thanksgiving dinner, and personally donated many turkeys to the Washington Heights Multi Cultural Center’s thanksgiving dinner and to distribute to the needy families on thanksgiving day.
We want to thank Mrs Silva Smith for her kind invite, she has been an advocate for the Latin Community for many years and we had the pleasure of covering her events on many occasions, she also promotes another event called The Dominican’s Mother’s Day, where they recognize Latin Women for their work and leadership in their communities on an annual basis, her heart and soul is in the right place, in helping people.
Silva Smith Founder of WHMC & Gale Brewer MBP with Guests
About :Washington Heights Multi Cultural Center, is an Non-For Profit Organization, based in the Washington Heights Community.
The organization prides itself on holding education as a main initiative to improve the community.
Mrs Smith with her Board of Directors
Education is the backbone for any successful Society, our organization has participated in bringing set forward diverse programs in the Bronx and Manhattan to help aid families and create opportunities for education.
Bolivian Folklore Dancers
Our two most important events throughout the year is our participation in the parade of la Hispanidad, and this wonderful thanksgiving gathering where we give thanks together as a community, while learning why Thanksgiving is so important.
Nicaraguan dancers doing a live performance
See more about the Latino community, in our World Liberty TV, Latino Channels and Blogs by clicking here.