BY: Atul Kapoor Staff Writer For World Liberty TV
The first-ever Harry Potter STEM product, robots that use Augmented Reality to teach coding to kids, t-shirts that let you see inside the body, and more, were on display November 1 at the third annual Kids & Family Tech Expo in New York City.
Kids with parents playing with different products
Hosted by Child’s Play Communications, specialists in promoting kids’ products, the Expo is the only media event specifically for tech products designed for kids and families.
Press members in attendance
This year Child’s Play also introduced STEM Station, a special section within the Expo devoted to companies showing products that, along with tech brands, complete the definition of STEM — Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
Also new at this year’s Expo: Child’s Play announced the winners of the first Seriously STEM Awards, created by the agency in partnership with to identify children’s products that genuinely teach STEM subjects.
Dr.Abbey with Stephanie Azzarone President of Child’s Play Communications
“There has been so much focus in recent years on the importance of STEM, and rightfully so,” observed Child’s Play Communications president, Stephanie Azzarone. ”This year’s Kids & Family Tech Expo recognized that in a major way and supported toy companies that are doing a great job of educating kids about STEM.”
The 2018 Kids & Family Tech Expo exhibitors included both start-ups and global brands – many of which took part in the 2017 Expo as well. This year’s exhibitors and product highlights included:
MyKabook booth
Boolean Girl Tech’s self-contained, build-it-yourself computer engineering kit
Curiscope’s Augmented Reality t-shirt that allows children to learn about the human body…on a human body.
Elenco’s circuit kits that add lights, sounds and moving parts to building bricks to make endless combinations. And many more .
ELENCO Learn by doing
About Child’s Play Communications : Child’s Play Communications specializes in promoting products and services for kids and parents and consumer technology — through public relations, social influences, social media content and events. The agency has successfully launched emerging companies and supported global brands, including Hasbro, Sony, Spin Master, Disney and Warner Bros.
The KLUTZ Co Exhibiting
It is also the creator of the Kids’ & Family Tech Expo, the first media event specifically for tech products designed for children and parents, and the Seriously STEM Awards. Based in New York City, the award-winning agency offers an exciting array of proprietary services to engage its target market.
Gift Bags Given to Mass media
Many children were at the event with their parents as well as media showcasing new products, see more Children’s technology items in our World Liberty TV Technology Channel by clicking here.