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Epson Digital Couture Fashion Week in New York-2016

Eleven selected designers from the Americas showcased their collections created using Epson’s state-of-the-art direct-to-garment and digital dye-sublimation printing. To commemorate the return of this showcase of designers coming together for fashion, this year’s theme for the presentation was “Harmony and Peace Through Fashion.”

Designers included: Chloe Trujillo from Los Angeles, Calif., Cristina Ruales from Brooklyn, N.Y., Fabrizzio Berrocal from Costa Rica, GM by Gustavo Moscoso from Ecuador, Kaleidoscopic by María de Lourdes Ramírez and Isabel Navarro Landa from Mexico, LENERD by Felipe Santamaría Luque from Colombia, Matías Hernán from Chile, Ossira by Agostina Orlandi and Ludmila Osikovsky from Argentina, Pionier by Janet Ríos and Carmen Artica from Peru, Santika by Danny Santiago from Miami, Fla., Tigresse by Fabio Yukio from Brazil

Digital dye-sublimation and direct-to-garment technologies, a relatively new trend in the textile industry, allow designers to alter textile designs, make color selections with the click of a mouse, and hone in on the fine details of their creations. Epson’s SureColor® F-Series printers give fashion and textile designers alike an accessible means to bring their ideas and inspiration to life, with the signature quality that distinguishes the Epson brand. The SureColor F-Series printers are high-speed, low-cost solutions that produce sharp, vivid images and offer an abundance of rich colors, intense blacks, and smooth gradations onto fabric.

Following Guests were in attendance: Abby Elliott, Arden Wohl, Barbie Ferreira, Chloe Norgaard, Harley Viera-Newton, Langley Fox, Selita Ebanks with music by Chelsea Leyland and Pamela Katz.

Exclusive Interview with Artist Juan Bernal NYC-2015

My work is about the importance of simple things; elements of nature that we usually
take for granted, and whose beauty we don’t take time to observe, like a fragment of
a leave, a flower, or the way light is reflected as it strikes a drop of dew.
These elements are recreated with emphasis in the geometry of nature’s designs. It
is the complexity within the simplicity.

The work constitutes an alarm to remind us all to preserve the environment that we
are part of and that we are relentlessly destroying.
Destroying “Nature” is destroying ourselves!
Graduated as an architect from Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia.

Over 50 group exhibitions and 25 solo shows in NY, Washington DC, Miami, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador,
Spain, France, Japan, China, among others.


-MAC. Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Bogota, Colombia
-Museo de Arte Bolivariano, Santa Marta, Colombia
-Latin American Art Museum, Miami, Florida
-Museo Colsubsidio, Bogota, Colombia
-The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington DC
-The National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington DC
-Georgetown University, Washington DC
-The National Museum of American History, Washington DC
-Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
-The Library of Congress, Washington DC
-Portland Museum of Fine Art, Oregon
-AAAS-American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington DC
-The New Convention Center, Washington DC
-Washington National Cathedral, Washington DC
-Center for Contemporary Printmaking. Norwalk CT
-Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC
-The Washington Post, Washington DC.
-Cesar Gaviria, private collection, Colombia and NY.


-The P O L L O C K-K R A S N E R Foundation AWARD, Grant, 2009
-Second Price, Photography:, Moore at the Garden”.The New York Botanical Garden, 2007
-Grant, “Art Walk”. D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities, Washington DC. 2006
-Equal Award, The Art league, Alexandria VA.
-Purchase Award, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CT
-Award and Grant “Our Voices Our Images” The Inter-American Development Bank, and the
D.C. Commission for the Arts and Humanities, Washington, DC.
-Award of Merit, the Neptune festival, Virginia Beach, VA.
-Honorable Mention, the Art League, Alexandria, VA.
-Medal of Merit Award, Ministry of Development, Bogota, Colombia.
– Best in Show, First Stained Glass international Salon, Bogota, Colombia.
-Honorable Mention, Salon del Fuego, Bogota, Colombia.
-First Prize Architectural design for the Music Conservatory, Ibague Colombia.

World Liberty TV, Team interviewed Mr Bernal at The Giving Back Foundation Annual Gala 2015, where Mr Bernal is a huge supporter of the Cause ,as well as donating his art for the cause.

Clinton Global Initiative 2015 Meeting-NYC

President Bill Clinton and Clinton Foundation Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton will host the 11th Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting on September 26-29 in New York City. More than 1,000 of the most influential leaders from philanthropy, business, government, and civil society will assemble at this year’s meeting, themed “The Future of Impact,” to define the next decade of solving global challenges and highlight the necessary next steps for accelerating progress going forward. Announced today are initial participants and attendees as well as session highlights.

Coinciding with the United Nations’ new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), members of the CGI community will explore how to take action on timely issues such as climate change, women’s equality, and global health at this pivotal time in philanthropy and international development.

President Clinton established the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), an initiative of the Clinton Foundation, to convene global leaders to create and implement innovative solutions through the creation of Commitments to Action – new, specific, measurable plans to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges. To date, members of the CGI community have made more than 3,200 Commitments to Action which have improved the lives of over 430 million people in more than 180 countries.

President Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton will be joined by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; Joyce Banda, Former President of the Republic of Malawi; Ehud Barak, Former Prime Minister of the State of Israel; Sangeeta Bhatia, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Deborah L. Birx, Ambassador-at-Large and Coordinator, Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, U.S. Department of State; Irina Bokova, Secretary-General, UNESCO; Richard Branson, Founder Virgin Group & Virgin Unite; Jim Brett, President, West Elm; Ursula M. Burns, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Xerox Corporation; Kathy Calvin, President and CEO, United Nations Foundation; Awa Marie Coll-Seck, Minister of Health, Republic of Senegal; Robert Collymore, Chief Executive Officer, Safaricom Limited; Bernice Dahn, Minister of Health, Republic of Liberia; Ted Danson, Actor, Member of the Board of Directors, Oceana; Philippe Douste-Blazy, Chairman, UNITAID; Sylvia Earle, Founder and Chairman, The Sylvia Earle Alliance and National Geographic Society Explorer-in-Residence; José Maria Figueres Olsen, Former President of the Republic of Costa Rica; Tin Ma Ma Htet, Teacher and Storyteller, Monastic Education Development Group, Myanmar Storytellers; Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia; Julia Gillard, Former Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia; Hage Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia; Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and The Grenadines; Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, President of the Republic of Croatia; Hugh Grant, Chairman and CEO, Monsanto Company; Ólafur R. Grímsson, President of Iceland; António Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Former Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic; Atifete Jahjaga, President of the Republic of Kosovo; Ashley Judd, Ambassador, Population Services International; Hemant Kanoria, Chairman and Managing Director, Srei Infrastructure Finance Limited; Jim Yong Kim, President, World Bank Group; Ousmane Kone, Minister of Health and Public Hygiene, Republic of Mali; Elizabeth L. Littlefield, President and CEO, Overseas Private Investment Corporation; Yang Lan, Chairman, Sun Media Group and Sun Culture Foundation; Jane Madgwick, Chief Executive Officer, Wetlands International; James A. Michel, President of Seychelles; Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of the Republic of Malta; Deogratias Niyizonkiza, CEO and Founder, Village Health Works; Enrique Peña Nieto, President of Mexico; Sean Parker, Chairman of the Parker Foundation‎; Frieda S. Pinto, Actor & Producer of Girl Rising; Susi Pudjiastuti, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia; Edi Rama, Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania; Mary Robinson, President, Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice and Former President of Ireland; Judith Rodin, President, The Rockefeller Foundation; Marcus Samuelsson, Chef-Owner of Red Rooster Harlem, Ginny’s Supper Club, and Streetbird Rotisserie, Marcus Samuelsson Group; Juan Manuel Santos Calderón, President, Republic of Colombia; Kailash Satyarthi, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, 2014; Maithripala Sirisena, President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka; Charif Souki, Chairman and CEO, Cheniere Energy, Inc.; Kathy Spahn, President and CEO, Helen Keller International; Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia; Joseph Stiglitz, Professor, Columbia University; Elizabeth Hausler Strand, Founder and CEO, Build Change; Lawrence Summers, Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard Kennedy School; Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist, American Museum of Natural History; Yanzhi Wang, President, Silk Road Fund; Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Chairman, Yunus Centre; Ernesto Zedillo, Former President of Mexico; and more to be announced.

Key parts of the program at the 2015 CGI Annual Meeting will include sessions such as:
• The Future of Impact which will build on the achievements of CGI members over the past decade and highlight the necessary next steps for accelerating progress going forward;
• Investing in Prevention and Resilient Health Systems which will explore how investing in prevention and health systems will help ensure access to quality health services for all and reduce long-term health care costs, and how this investment is key to building resilient and prosperous communities;
• Escalators of Opportunity in which leaders from the private, public, and civil sectors will discuss how income inequality and social mobility starts by investing in children—placing them on the escalator to more equitable futures—and is continued by empowering individuals to create wealth and break cycles of inequality;
• Looking to the Next Frontier where industry-leaders will demonstrate how innovations of today can impact our societies, environment, and economies of tomorrow;
• Climate Change and Resiliency: Redefining Business as Usual in which participants will discuss how investing in prevention and preparedness can mitigate the negative effects of natural disasters and climate change;
• Unleashing Women’s Economic Opportunities which will include a No Ceilings Conversation to examine priorities to advance the status of women and girls over the next 20 years, and a panel on women as sustainability leaders in which panelists will discuss how to ensure that women farmers and fishers have access to the same resources as men and are connected to global supply chains to sustainably meet future food demand and raise family incomes;
• The Future of Equality and Opportunity in which global leaders will join CGI members and youth around the world in a special closing conversation on co-creating a future rooted in justice, human rights, equality, and opportunity for all.

Erin Burnett, anchor, “Erin Burnett OutFront”; Fareed Zakaria, host of CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” and Washington Post columnist; Becky Quick, co-anchor of CNBC’s “Squawk Box”; and Shane Smith, CEO and co-founder of Vice Media, will moderate special sessions for broadcast.

Mayweather VS Pacquiao Press Conference for 1 Million Dollars, WBC Emerald Belt NYC-2015

When Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao step into the ring on Saturday night, they’ll be fighting for legacy, pride, nearly $100 million and a specially made WBC “Emerald Belt” that is worth nearly $1 million.

The belt is specially designed for this fight and features 3,000 miniature emeralds. Everything about this fight so far has been about money, and so it’s no surprise that the special belt would be so flashy and expensive.

The emerald-studded WBC belt was finally presented on April 21 at a WBC event in Mexico. The belt was commissioned by the WBC as soon as the big fight between the two champs was announced. The belt features 3,000 real miniature emeralds and valued at $1 million. It will be transported to Las Vegas before the end of month by a private security team.
During the press conference at Foro Mazaryk in Mexico City on April 21, the emerald belt was introduced to hundreds of journalists. In attendance were Larry Holmes, who represented former WBC champions, and Adonis Stevenson, who represented current WBC champions.

WBC President Mauricio Sulaiman said,”The WBC displayed over six generations of championship belts today, and presented the unique Emerald Belt. We are very happy, because everybody in the industry worked together to make this fight happen – the television networks, the promoters, the managers, and especially the boxers. We had at the press conference, together on the same stage, Televisa and Azteca for the first time ever. Both will show the fight in Mexico on May 2nd.”

“This belt has more than 3,000 emeralds, it’s beautiful and it’s absolutely priceless!” Sulaiman added.

The presentation of the Emerald Belt features a new achievement in the sport of boxing. According to Sulaiman, Holmes was selected to formally present the belt because he is one of the greatest champions that the sport ever had, having been a heavyweight champion for seven and a half years.

World Liberty TV, Boxing Team was on hand to witness the debut of the WBC Emerald Belt valued over 1 million dollars to be given to the winner of Floyd “Money” Mayweather, and Manny Pacquiao Mega fight.

Plitz’s Emerging Fashion Designers Showcase during NYFW-2015

The Following Designers participated at The Plitz’s Fashion Week Event During New York Fashion Week 2015, headed by its CEO Mr Wayne Shields.

LiA’S Stardust Designs by Edlin Miller New York-USA

Stevenson University Fashion Design Program , Maryland-USA

Rykardo De Jude- Barbados

Vandalize Apparel By Emily Strauss , New York-USA

B.jash.i By Marcie Bain, California –USA

N.Y. Chula by Jai Santiago-Rhode Island-USA

Anna G.Lyndley, New York –USA

Olivia Michella-, Barbados

Michelle C.Gibson, Maryland-USA

L’Accent Woman’s Fashion By Luna Joachim, Massachusetts-USA

Kallon Designs By Moinama Kallon-Maryland-USA

Marloly Fashion Design by Leticia Martinez-Mexico

Varoma Flor by Mauricio Montebello , Nevada-USA

Responsive Textiles by Kristine Rodriguez , California -USA

TP-D’Apparat by Parra Teddy, France

Jennyvi by Shireen Dooling , Arizona-USA

Bridal & Evening Wear by Jennyvi Dizon , NY-USA

Momo by Tong LE, China

Delest Couture by Estel Schmitt, France

The House of Esther by Mark Johnson, United Kingdom

JG Indie Designs by Jolonzo Guy –Goldtooth from the Navajo nation tribe, New Mexico-USA

JLmass by Jenny Mass , Pennsylvania-USA

Larriere Couture by Myriam Larriere , France

Le Rever By Yaw Boateng , New York-USA

With Plitzs Fashion Week you will see Designers from all over the World, and you will never get bored a must attend event during NYFW 2015.

Carlos Palamino former World Welterweight Boxing Champion-2014

Carlos Palomino is a retired Mexican professional boxer.Palomino is a former WBC Welterweight Champion and member of the International Boxing Hall of Fame. Palomino is also an actor who has been featured in several television shows and films. He achieved a considerable amount of fame during the 1970s, especially among Mexican and Southern California fans.
After winning two fights in 1976, Palomino found himself and his trainers travelling to London, where an internationally televised world championship bout awaited him against WBC world Welterweight champion John H. Stracey, a British boxing teacher who had dethroned José Nápoles as world champion. Palomino became a world champion on the night of June 22 of that year at Wembley Arena, after Stracey eventually succumbed to a blistering body attack and was put on the canvas twice from left hooks to the liver. Many Mexicans who viewed Nápoles, a Cuban born resident of Mexico, as another countryman, saw this as a revenge from Stracey.

He waited six months for his next fight, against another very popular boxer of Mexican background: cross-town rival Armando Muñíz. This was a fight that had many fans guessing who’d win it for months before it happened, but it also made history in the boxing books: When Palomino and Muñíz met, on January 21 of 1977, it was the first time in boxing history two college graduates met for a world title. Palomino earned a degree in recreation administration from Long Beach State, while Muniz had graduated from Cal State Los Angeles, where he majored in Spanish and minored in math, and was working toward a graduate degree in administration. Palomino and Muniz (now a high school teacher in California) fought what the book The Ring: Boxing in the 20th. Century has described as one of the best fights of 1977. After 14 rounds, all three judges had the fight tied on their scorecards, but Palomino scored two knockdowns in the fifteenth and final round and he retained the world title by a knockout in that final round. A return to London resulted in an 11th round knockout victory over Dave Boy Green, after which he defended against Everaldo Acosta Azevedo and Jose Palacios, Azevedo being defeated by decision in fifteen and Palacios by knockout in thirteen.

In 1978, he defended his crown with a win over Ryu Sorimachi by a knockout in seven, a knockout in nine over Mimoun Mohatar, and a decision in fifteen in his long awaited rematch with Muniz.

His championship run ended in 1979, when he traveled to Puerto Rico, where he was defeated on January 13 by hometown boxer Wilfred Benítez via a controversial fifteen round split decision.

In his next fight, Palomino met legendary Roberto Durán on June 22 of that year at Madison Square Gardens, in another nationally televised bout, as part of the Larry Holmes–Mike Weaver world Heavyweight championship bout’s undercard. Palomino lost to Duran by decision in ten rounds, and he announced his retirement from boxing right away.

In 1978 while still the WBC Welterweight Champion, Palomino appeared as himself in the ABC sitcom Taxi. Appearing in the second episode of the opening season (“One-Punch Banta”), he spars with Tony Banta (Tony Danza – himself a former professional boxer with a 9-3 record) and takes a dive.

In 1980, Miller Lite beer signed Palomino as a spokesman as part of a television commercial campaign that also included Walt Frazier and other noted athletes. As a consequence of the enjoyable experience and the media exposure that followed, he decided to launch a career as an actor He participated in a number of movies and television series, before deciding to launch a boxing comeback at the age of 48, in 1997.

Palomino was elected as chairman of the California State Athletic Commission, where he performed for a few years. He is now involved in charity work, most notably Tony Baltazar’s charity organization, and he travels around the United States to attend charity events and do autograph shows.

Palomino was selected to the International Boxing Hall of Fame on January 8, 2004. He was inducted on June 13.

4th Annual Global Trade Symposium at NY Hilton Hotel-2014

4th Annual Global Trade Symposium ,Presented by The New York Produce Show and Conference ,titled: Produce, Import & Export: The Disruption of Established markets.
The Following Topics were discussed at The 4th Annual Global Trade Symposium:

Responding to Disruptive forces in the convenience economy.

Retail Disruptors.

Food Service Disruptors:

“Think Different “ working Luncheon : Comparing the US and UK markets- The Same or Different.

Disruption at the Wholesaler level.

How new technologies and new export markets are increasing the role of Mexico in the Global Produce Trade.

Latin America opportunity Check.

Direct importing :the promises and Pitfalls of Global Procurement Operations.

See this and more right here in our World Liberty TV, Food and Wine Channel.

Interview with Chayanne, Puerto Rican Latin pop singer, actor and composer-2014

Elmer Figueroa Arce better known under the stage name Chayanne, is a Puerto Rican Latin pop singer, actor and composer. As a solo artist, Chayanne has released 21 solo albums and sold over 30 million albums worldwide. After Los Chicos separated in 1984, Chayanne began his career as a solo artist. He signed with RCA Ariola and released his first album, Chayanne es mi Nombre, that year. His second album with RCA, Sangre Latina was released in 1986.

After three years with RCA, Chayanne switched labels to Sony Music and broke out with his first self-titled album in 1987. This album featured a blend of ballads and dance tracks, a formula for which Chayanne would be famous. It featured two hit songs, the ballad “Peligro de Amor” written by Michael Sullivan and Paulo Massadas and a song that would cement him as an overall performer, the upbeat dance track “Fiesta en América” written by Honorio Herrero.

Following the album’s release, Chayanne began an international tour to promote Mi Tiempo. Among the places visited early in the tour were Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and the United States. On August 24, 2008, he began a series of presentations in Spain. When interviewed he noted that the concert would be fluid “like a musical”, and “more Latin” than his previous presentations, being composed of “more pop, Brazilian, Caribbean and reggae rhythms” which he would use to “dance constantly”. He also gave a special performance in Miss Universe 2003 pageant.

In the 1980s, Chayanne participated in several soap operas and starred in the comedy series Generaciones with Luis Antonio Rivera. More recently, he has received several offers for acting jobs, but he has declined most of them for conflicting with his musical career, which he considers his priority.

World Liberty TV, Had the pleasure of interviewing Chayanne, here in New York City, see what he had to say.

NY NOW , (formerly NYIGF®) at NY Javit Center and Pier 94 ( Feb 2014)

Quality was the key measure of success for companies participating in the winter debut of NY NOW™, the Market for Home + Lifestyle (formerly NYIGF®), February 1-6, 2014. Many exhibitors among the market’s total 2,500 reported strong order writing, most notably from new accounts and large retailers, despite two winter storms and the overlap of the 2014 Super Bowl.

“NY NOW had several very strong days of attendance – particularly on Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday – and buyers who made it to New York City and to the Market were here to shop,” said Christian Falkenberg, NY NOW director and GLM senior vice president. “Exhibitors reported seeing their key accounts and making new connections with both domestic and international buyers.”

NY NOW attendees represented all 50 states and 74 countries, with Canada, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, Australia, and the United Kingdom representing the top sources of international visitors. “A lot of international buyers stopped by, and we expanded many connections, not just with the USA, but with the world,” noted first time HANDMADE Designer Maker exhibitor Dominik Kowalik of Dominik Woods. “We are from the west coast and wanted to connect more with the east coast. It’s been really positive.”

Many exhibitors experienced specific days of strong order-writing from quality accounts, which resulted in overall success for the week. “This show has been absolutely fantastic for us,” said HOME Collection exhibitor Kathryn McCoy of Kathryn McCoy Design. “We worked with over 80 stores on Sunday, and Tuesday was non-stop.  This show is tremendous for our business.”

NY NOW LIFESTYLE exhibitor Rachel Clapp of Harry Barker, agreed, “We’ve had a lot of traffic despite the weather. We’ve seen our current customer base as well as new customers and also few international buyers.  It has been a good mix.”

A five-day schedule of educational and social programming supplemented market activities, with more than 40 educational sessions, industry social events, product awards and feature displays. The seminar series, sponsored by industry publications and associations, covered topics such as design and color trends, social media and online marketing, merchandising and retail strategies, and importing. Industry events included the Gift For Life 22nd Anniversary “Party for Life” Fundraiser, the 2014 Housewares Design Awards Gala & Ceremony, and a NY NOW “Night On Broadway,” featuring MOTOWN THE MUSICAL.

Market activities also included recognition of innovative product design through category-specific award programs, including the Baby + Child, Gourmet Housewares, Home Textiles and Personal Care + Wellness Best New Product Awards.  During the Market “People’s Choice” online balloting determined The Savora Colander by Lifetime Brands as Best of HOME, and the Spherovelo By Vici Enterprises as Best of LIFESTYLE. 


World Liberty TV, Team was on hand to cover new products on the market, as well as conduct vendor interviews, see the new products and what the vendors had to say about them.

Also our team was on hand to cover the Housewares Design Awards, see who were the winners of these awards.

Live performance by Esperanza Azteca National Youth Orchestra at CGI 2013

Grupo Salinas, a group of dynamic, fast-growing and technologically advanced companies deeply committed to the modernization of the countries in which they operate —founded by Ricardo Salinas (— is proud to announce the successful third gala concert of the national Esperanza Azteca youth orchestra.

The orchestra selects top students of a system of 54 orchestras in 29 states, where a total of 12,000 children participate in an intensive musical learning environment designed to promote universal values of teamwork, dedication, self-esteem and passion.

Ricardo Salinas inaugurated the concert of young musicians with a special dedication to Mexico’s Paralympic Team in honor of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The Mexican squad won 21 medals in the Paralympic Games of London 2012.

The concert included a double orchestra and choir, totaling 245 members, who delighted audiences with a program that included pieces by Dvorak, Mozart, Rossini and Verdi.

“All of you represent the best of Mexico,” said Mr. Salinas to the Esperanza Azteca youth. “You have demonstrated the best in teamwork, performance, effort, values and friendship.”

The Esperanza Azteca musical education project is a joint endeavor of Grupo Salinas’ Fundación Azteca in collaboration with the Mexican Congress, the Education Ministry, the National Council of Culture and the Arts, 29 state governments and local communities.

World Liberty TV was on hand at the CGI 2013 Plenary Closing Session to hear these youngsters perform and have over 1200 people standing and clapping non-stop. See the video and decide for yourself how good these youngsters are!

Goya Food Products Showcase (2012)

Goya was started in a small storefront in Lower Manhattan, New York, catering to local Hispanic families by distributing Spanish foods such as olives, olive oil and sardines. Driven by the belief that there was a growing consumer market for high-quality, fresh-tasting, Latino foods, the Unanues infused their personal philosophy throughout the company.

This commitment to excellence is the cornerstone of Goya’s popular credo, “If it’s Goya, it has to be good”. The result of this simple, yet deeply resonant pledge is the evolution of Goya Foods into a leader in the Latin American food industry, with operations spanning the globe.

Throughout its history, all of Goya Foods 3,000 dedicated employees have helped build the company’s solid reputation as the leading authority on Hispanic food.

Whether presenting consumers with the finest products from the Caribbean, Mexico, Spain, Central and South America, the Goya brand has insured quality for multiple generations of satisfied consumers.

Goya Foods remains firm in its commitment to being the brand of choice for authentic Latino cuisine while retaining its family-oriented approach to its consumers, all of whom comprise La Gran Familia Goya.

Trinidad & Tobago 50th Independence Anniversary Ball – New York, 2012

The event was put on by Trinidad & Tobago United Cultural Association Inc. (TATUCA). Honorary chairs for the event were: H.E. Dr. Neil Parson, Ambassador to the United States of America & Mexico and permanent representative of T&T and the Honorable Marty Markowitz, Brooklyn Borough President. Great entertainment, guests and honorees, and food were at the event.