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Political Leaders in attendance at The COVID-19 Champions Awards-2020

Worlds fist COVID-19 Champions Awards took place at United Sherpa Association Inc., located in Elmhurst Queens. Close to 50 people were in attendance on both floors of the temple.

The Event was the brainchild of Dr. Adal Hussain, AKA Dr.Abbey who came up with the idea of honoring the community, along with politicians who have made a difference as well as a wide range of organizations who have served by giving of themselves with tireless and exceptional work ethic as the COVID-19 Pandemic continues to rage on.

The Event was held in Collaboration with The United Sherpa Association Inc, headed by President Urgen Sherpa. The event was invite only, as only a total of only 50 people are allowed indoors on both floors combined in accordance to safety protocols regarding community transmission.

We like to thank the following politicians who were in attendance and presented Proclamations and Citations to Humanitarians of the World Inc (Founder Dr.Adal Hussain) and The United Sherpa Association Inc (President Urgen Sherpa). Melinda Katz (Newly Elected) Queens DA, who was an honoree and keynote speaker.
Congress member Grace Meng , Member, US House of Representative of 6th District, Congress member was not able to attend in person but invited, Dr.Abbey and Urgen to present both organizations to present Proclamations, at a very private ceremony at here office.

Congress member Meng went onto to say, I appreciate the great work , Humanitarians of the World Inc, headed by its leader Dr.Adal Hussain and Urgen Sherpa, President United Sherpa Association Inc, I and the Whole Congress Proclaim Sat Oct 24th 2020, COVID-19 Champions day.

Jeffrion L.Aubry: Member of New York State Assembly District 35, was not able to attend due to a personal matter. Assembly Member Aubury , invited us to his office and personally presented proclamations, to Humanitarians of the World Inc, (Founder ,Dr.Adal Hussain) and Urgen Sherpa (President United Sherpa Association Inc). Went on to say the Whole New York State Assembly Proclaims Sat Oct 24th 2020, COVID-19 Champion awards day.

Sharon Lee: Acting Queens Borough President, presented Citations to Dr.Adal Hussain and Urgen Sherpa, and went on to say I am proud to present citations to two warriors who are doing great work for the community.

Catalina Cruz: Member of New York State Assembly District 39, was an honoree and presented Humanitarians of the World Inc (Dr.Adal Hussain, Founder) and Urgen Sherpa (President United Sherpa Association Inc) Citations for doing great work for the community during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Daniel Dromm: New York City Council Member for District 25, was an honoree and he presented a Citation to Dr.Adal Hussain and Urgen Sherpa. Also he presented certificates to the volunteers who help make the COVID-19 Champions awards 2020, a super success.
Council member Dromm went on to say, I have know Dr.Adal Hussain, over 16 years and has covered many of our LGBTQ Parades in his World Liberty TV LGBTQ+ Channels, which I founded many years ago, he truly is a great humanitarian., also I honor Urgen Sherpa for doing great humanitarian work in our community.

Jessica Gonzalez Rojas: Assembly member  for District New York 34. Was an honoree, she went on to say, I thank both leaders like Dr.Adal Hussain, Founder Humanitarians of the World Inc, and Urgen Sherpa, President United Sherpa Association Inc.

Jessica Ramos: New York State Senator for District , New York’s 13th State Senate district. Was an honoree, she went on to say, I am honored to be considered a COVID-19 Champions award winner, and thanked the both organizations for the good work being done in the communities.

We at Humanitarians of the World Inc, like to thank all the politicians in attendance and supporting The World’s first COVID-19 Champions awards Gala and Dinner -2020,and at the same time to thank Urgen Sherpa , President United Sherpa Association and his board and volunteers to make this COVID-19 Champions awards into a super successful event.
You can view exclusive coverage of the Awards Gala in our World Liberty TV, Humanitarian Channel by clicking here. Also see exclusive coverage in our World Liberty TV, Blogs by clicking here.

You can also view additional coverage of COVID-19 Champions award Gala 2020, in our Humanitarians of the World Inc, TV Channel by clicking here. Also you can see additional coverage in our Humanitarians of the World Inc TV Blog , COVID-19 Champions award Gala-2020, by Clicking here.

About Humanitarians of the World Inc: Humanitarians of the World, Inc. (HOTWINC), is also a not for profit 503(c) tax exempt organization.
One of the goals of HOTWINC is to broadcast Humanitarian activities taking place throughout the world via its official online TV, “World Liberty TV Humanitarian Channel” located at
Another goal of the organization is to recognize those individuals and entities that provide humanitarian services through charitable acts or activities throughout the world. Medals of recognition will be awarded to those whose humanitarian efforts assist, support, and further the economic, social, mental and physical well-being of the underprivileged, disenfranchised, suffering and/or downtrodden people of the world, as a way of honoring them at the annual fundraising galas, and eventually HOTWINC Hall of Fame annual events.
The primary goal of Humanitarians Of The World Inc. is to help the neediest of people throughout the world wherever they may be in need.

Your Contribution to : Humanitarians of the world Inc.”Hotwinc” Can help save a life. To make a donation click here.

TTPM Holiday Showcase Event during COVID-19

BY: Liliana Rocio, Senior Editor For World Liberty TV TTPM, the leading video product reviewer for toys, baby toys & gear and pet products, unveiled their Holiday Most Wanted List via an online video this morning just prior to their annual TTPM 2020 Holiday Showcase event, being held live today in New York City.  New...
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Hotwinc Inc collaboration with United Sherpa Association(USA) Inc COVID-19 Food Presentation-2020

BY: Liliana Rocio, Senior Editor For World Liberty TV On Friday Aug 19th 2020, Humanitarians of the World Inc’s volunteers attended the United Sherpa Association (USA) Inc COVID-19 Food Presentation-2020 at the temple located in Elmhurst Queens. Humanitarians of the World Inc, (HOTWINC), since the COVID-19 Started has presented bags full of Food, basic necessities...
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George Floyd’s Protests, Looting, Memorial service and Funeral-2020

BY: Liliana Rocio, Senior Editor For World Liberty TV The death of George Floyd, an African-American man, occurred in Powderhorn, a neighborhood south of downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. While Floyd was handcuffed and lying face down on a city street during an arrest, Derek Chauvin, a white Minneapolis police officer, kept his knee on...
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The Killing of George Floyd (I Cannot Breathe) – 2020

By;Betty Coker, Editor in Chief  For World Liberty TV The death of George Floyd, an African-American man, occurred in Powderhorn, a neighborhood south of downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. While Floyd was handcuffed and lying face down on a city street during an arrest, Derek Chauvin, a white Minneapolis police officer, kept his knee on...
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Through his continuous work, Dr. Adal Hussain , also Know as (Dr.Abbey) has supported the NYC Mission Society, Stony Brook Southampton Hospital, NY Women’s Foundation and other charities that I have been very involved with for may years. Dr Adal is a good human being whose life’s mission is to spread good via his medium...
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Food Chain and Food Pantries During Coronavirus (COVID-19)

BY: World Liberty TV Coronavirus (COVID-19) Team Parts of the supply chain have been threatened by COVID-19. And consumers may not be feeling the impacts of the most pronounced disruption yet – the ripple effect from the closure of several meat processing plants that closed after COVID-19 outbreaks among their workers. Wednesday, Tyson suspended operations...
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Whats happening with the Coronavirus COVID-19 Vaccines?

BY: World Liberty TV Coronavirus (COVID-19) Team Today, all eyes are on efforts to develop a treatment to immunize people against Covid-19. And the pace of progress has been impressive. Just a few months after the disease crossed the Rubicon from bats to humans, its genetic code has been sequenced and published, diagnostic tests are...
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Testimonies of Friends & Sponsors during Coronavirus (COVID-19)-2020

In this Blog and video you will hear testimonials, of many people who we have worked with throughout the years, who will speak about how they are handling the, Coronavirus (COVID-19).

These testimonials will be given remotely, as you know we cannot do one on one interviews as the social distancing curfew is in effect From the Federal, State and City Governments.

We will have a Businessman talk about his experiences, and how 3 of his family members passed away with the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and what he is doing about it, and how he is Turing his tragedy into something positive.

A church leader, will share his testimonial, of what is happening in the religious houses of worship and how they are still able to reach people through other means.

A person who will give help, about healthy eating, what you should eat right now, eating healthy, eating right, and also when you do your online or grocery shopping , what to do with the food, before you eat it.

A religious leader heading one of the largest organization based here in New York City, will share his insights, what they are doing, with their worshippers, communicating ,praying and how online worshipping is working for them.

Also you will hear from a family of 5 how they are coping with themselves and their children through these testing times.

We want thank the above participants, for sharing their wisdom with our viewers, to see above video interviews go to our World Liberty TV, Coronavirus,COVID-19 Channel by clicking here.

This video Testimonials of Friends Sponsors during Coronavirus (COVID-19)-2020, is purely for educational purposes and to bring awareness, under no circumstances, we are giving Medical advice, of any kind, for that you must contact a professional person who will be able to help you with this matter.,

By going to the following websites: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)    , as the nation’s health protection agency.

(WHO), World Health Organization: primary role is to direct and coordinate international health within the United Nations system. Came into force on 7 April 1948, main areas of work are health systems; health through the life-course; non communicable and communicable diseases; preparedness, surveillance and response; and corporate services.

If you are based in New York City you can call 311 and for people outside of New York City, check with you local government, about the exact telephone numbers to reach the right people you need to contact.

See more Coronavirus (COVID-19), videos and blogs in our World Liberty TV, Coronavirus (COVID-19) channels and blogs by clicking here.

We are at this time looking for Donations: of  Money ,Masks, Gloves and Medical Gowns, Which we will donate to our First Responders, Senior Citizens and other needy people if you don’t know, we are based in Queens NY, 3 Blocks from Elmhurst Hospital, (Epic Center of Coronavirus (COVID-19), to make donations please go to Humanitarians of the world inc, by clicking here.

Disclaimer: Each one of the above people are expressing their own opinions, World Liberty TV, It producers, staff is not responsible for any opinions Expressed by the above participants.

We under no circumstances offering, medical advice  of any kind, or financial advice you must contact the professionals in the field of medicine and Professionals in the Financial sectors.

These videos, produced and directed by World Liberty TV, are for only educational purposes to give you information to reach out to the necessary people who might be able to help you.through these tough times during the Coronona Virus (COVID-19).