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New York and New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council’s Partnership Awards Gala-2017

By:Dr.Adal M.Hussain,Phd (AKA) Dr.Abbey ,Editor @ Large for World Liberty TV

Each year, the New York and New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council’s Partnership Awards Gala recognizes and honors the achievements of stellar minority-owned firms and corporate members who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in creating rewarding business relationships.

Dr.Abbey with Terrance Clark President The Council

The effects of these relationships are felt nationwide from the creation of new jobs, to the delivery of those services and goods that are strengthening our economy every day.

Dr.Abbey with LaTisha Green of The Council

The Following Awards were given to: SUPPLIER OF THE YEAR WINNERS :Recognizes Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American business enterprises for their business growth and development, operational success, support of other minority businesses and active participation in the community. The honorees are divided into four categories, based on annual sales: Class I is for firms with less than $1 million in sales; Class II is for firms with $1 million to $10 million in sales, Class III is for firms with $10 million to $50 million in sales and Class IV is for firms with more than $50 million in sales. There is potential for one company from each class to be named NY & NJ Minority Supplier Development Council Supplier of the Year.

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 Class I:    Business Promotion  Ideas, Inc. Class II: XL Alliance, LLC dba  CIEN+

Class III: Software Folks dba Saviance Technologies Inc.Class IV: High Point Solutions, Inc.

Corporation of The Year (Local and National ): Recognizes exemplary achievement in the area of minority supplier development. These awards are regarded as the most significant honor to major corporations for the utilization of Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American Companies.

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The company (ies) demonstrates exceptional strength in all areas critical to maintaining a solid minority supplier development process/policies; procurement, particularly growth in dollars and percent; MBE development; and leadership and engagement.

National Corporation of the Year Finalists: Becton Dickinson & Company, Johnson & Johnson and Major League Baseball.

Local Corporation of the Year Finalists: Guggenheim Partners  and University Hospital.

Advocate  Of The Year: Presented to a supplier diversity professional at a regional or local corporate member company who has gone the extra mile to make a significant impact in the field of minority supplier development. This individual recognizes the importance of developing and nurturing partnerships with diverse suppliers and the potential for those relationships to drive change and foster inclusion.

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As a leader within their organization, this individual provides minority supplier development training to other managers, buyers and key procurement executives within their organization and demonstrates measurable progress/ increase in their company’s spend with NMSDC-certified minority suppliers.

Guggenheim Partners Award Winners at Partnership Gala 2017

Advocate of the Year FINALISTS: Corey Smith, Kate Kleyman  and Pauline Gebon.

The New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. (The Council), established in 1973, is a vital link between major corporations and minority business enterprises (MBEs).

Each year, member corporations have reported billions of dollars spent with Council-certified Minority Business Enterprises. Serving the New York and New Jersey region, The Council is one of the 23 regional affiliates of the National Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. (NMSDC).

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The New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. (The Council™), a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, identifies minority suppliers; certifies bona-fide minority business enterprises; and facilitates procurement opportunities between major purchasing entities and Council-certified minority suppliers.

That supplier group includes Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native-American businesses located throughout the state of New York and Northern and Central New Jersey including Trenton. The Council’s membership consists of Fortune 500 corporations, government agencies, educational institutions and non-profit organizations.

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