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Humanitarians of the World Inc , Presentation of BackPacks to An-Noor Youths-2023

Humanitarians of the World Inc., (HOTWINC) which has been in existence for the past fifteen years, has helped people throughout the World. Homeless, Needy, disabled orphans, refugees and many more.

Humanitarians of the World Inc., has touched lives of thousands of people worldwide, through all these Humanitarian projects.

Dr. Adal M. Hussain, Co-Founder of Humanitarians of the World Inc., who has been a Humanitarian for the past 45 years, he started at age 10, in England. He has worked on many humanitarian Projects throughout the World. He is a World Renowned Athlete, Winning the Greatest, Indian, Pakistani and Bangla Belt in Boxing in the World, in England in 1985.

Being honored 400 hundred times around the World, for his humanitarian work and efforts, keynote speaker throughout the World, institutions like the United nations, Humanitarian events, Universities, Non-Profit organizations. He is also being knighted by Countess Nicholas Bobrinskoy in the Order of the Orthodox Knights of St. John -2020, being the first Indian to hold this honor in the knighthood.

Dr. Hussain, also has started the Worlds’ first ever Humanitarians of the World Hall of Fame(tm) , honoring humanitarians of the World Wide.

He has done all this for the past 45 years, without taking a single penny for his services. He Believes that he is doing Allah (Gods), work and his reward is from him. No person can offer that. Dr. Hussain went on to say, I will serve humanity to my last breath and continue to help people who need help.

On Wednesday April 2023, Humanitarians of the World Inc., donated twenty Back packs filled with Electronics and gifts like chargers, Sanitizers, Books, Pens, Games, and many more items. It was given to twenty youths, who are students from the An-Noor Cultural Center, in Woodside Queens New York.

The An-Noor Cultural Center, in Woodside Queens New York is headed by Imam Mufti Mohammed Ismail, who started the Organization approxately, ten years ago. The Purpose of the Organization   is to develop the youth of today into leaders, model scholars, and dedicated workers of Deen. Through our programs, An-Noor aims to produce scholars who will join the ranks of the next generation of professional Ulama, Huffaz and make a positive impact on their community.

The Back packs filled with gifts was given to 20 youths, From Turkey, Indonesia, Morocco, Bangladesh and many more countries. Imam Ismail, went on to say, we like to thank humanitarians of the World Inc, for the gifts for many of our youths, which is really needed some of the family’s experience hardships, as well as receiving a check of $1000.00 (One Thousand Dollars) as Zakat from Humanitarians of the World Inc.,   to support children who are orphans. It’s difficult to have extra money after paying rent and bills. To buy additional things for the kids. So we are very highly appreciative to Dr. Adal Hussain and his organization as well as his members, choose our organization and support it.

Kids will be able to use the Back packs to put their homework and computers in to take to school as well as bring them to us at An-Noor Cultural Center.

An-Noor Cultural Center is also looking for donations for their cultural center, basketball courts, pin pong, Weights for exercising, video games and any other items you might want to donate to the cause, also money donations are always welcome to can go to their An-Noor Cultural Center, website by clicking here.

See more of our Humanitarian’s of the World Inc., Projects by clicking here.

See more in our Sister organization, World Liberty TV, Humanitarian Channels, Blogs and Photo-Galleries by clicking here.

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