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Erik Wahl Internationally-recognized graffiti artist presentation at WOBI NY Forum -2016

Erik Wahl is an artist, entrepreneur and bestselling author of Unthink: Rediscover Your Creative Genius and Unchain the Elephant: Reframe Your Thinking to Unleash Your Potential.  Pulling from his history as both a businessman and an artist, Wahl’s work is focused on unlocking the creative genius within all of us.  He has shared his powerful message with leading companies including AT&T, Disney, London School of Business, Microsoft, FedEx, Exxon Mobil, Ernst & Young, and XPrize, among many others, while his artwork has raised millions of dollars for charities.

Erik’s understanding of vision was originally born in the school of disappointment. After an eight-year career as a partner at a corporate firm, he became frustrated by the lack of innovative thought and corresponding profits he saw in business. So he set out to challenge companies to change their way of thinking while simultaneously pursuing his own individual passions. He rediscovered his love for art, and now plays in the business world by working through his artistic expression.  Erik’s on-stage painting seamlessly becomes a visual metaphor that is the core of his message, encouraging organizations toward profitability through innovations and superior performance.

Erik Wahl spoke at the WOBI Forum NYC, and he covered the following Topics:

Uncovering new ways to make your organization more creative, innovative and profitable.

Helping your employees understand the need to become better storytellers within and for your company.

Embracing change:  Leveraging chaos to capitalize on opportunities.

How to sustain excellence in a changing economy: On working smarter, not harder.

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