BY: Foziah Muneer, Photo/Journalist for World Liberty TV
The World Human Rights Development (WHRD) is a Not – For – Profit organization based on New York as well as the United States of America and rest of the world. In 1997 we started our organization and registered with New York State and continuing our work within the USA.
2019 honorees officers and politicians
The basic needs of human being are proper education, health care, shelter and hygienic food and lawful support.
The needy peoples have every right to get proper treatment on the basis of humanity & equal opportunity like others. In the modern world we have to feed poor & hungry people, provide economical support.
Dr Abbey holding up his award and the Sign says it all
So called modern world has lots of human rights violation like prisoner torture, death penalty, killing at police custody, war and crime victim, discrimination, detention, domination, neglects are going on very badly throughout the world with very exceptions.
Thousands of people are getting killed due to the obstruction that we should remove from our society.
Centre Dr Abbey with Nayeema Khan of Khan’s Tutorial & Mrs Yesmin
Through lawful assistance, counseling, seminar and conference we will work to stop forceful and unlawful prosecution. WHRD will support the victims with legal aid and provide food, shelter, medicine, cloths and financial help whenever needed.
We have been serving and helping for non-English speaking peoples as an interpreter to get their Medicaid, health insurance, hospital admission especially for new immigrants who are coming into this country.
Dr Abbey being presented with the WHRD 2019 man of the year award
The World Human Rights Development (WHRD) devoted five motto since born in Nov. 14, 1997. Love, Peace, Justice, Secularism and Unity. We indeed put our dedication to development our modern society.
Our Goal is Health, Education & Quality of Life throughout the World, since we started our Social Activities. We fight for the Right of Justice, Prisoner rescue operation, Awareness of Human Rights issue to the New Immigrants in the North America.
Dr Abbey HOTW INC Founder Delivering Keynote on Global Warming
We arranged a good number of Seminar, Symposium, Assemble, with the help of FBI, attorneys, and political leaders including social welfare activist.
I believe, every human being has civic right by born. We fight against the war, Global Warming, Immigration right violation and Anti Terrorism.
Close to 100 People in attendance
Our voice stand for the undocumented peoples, who live in United States under the poverty, Jobless, Homeless without health insurance, etc.
We are now going to submit our project for next five years plan to our mission to the Govt., United Nation and other agencies to approve our achievement.
Dr Abbey with Guests and Honorees
I express my heartiest thanks to all of our donors, Executive Committee, Volunteers who had worked hard in the past and who had been financially, morally support.
On Tuesday December 17th 2019, World Human Rights & Development Inc, in partnership with OPAD-Special Advisor of Business for Bangladesh, Farida Yesmin organized the World Human Rights Development USA Inc, Seminar and Reception for Scholars and Journalists, close to 100 People attendance, at the Bellozino Banquet Hall, in Jackson heights, Notable people in attendance were Hon.Hiram Monserrate, democratic district leader ,for 35th Assembly District, Anthony Miranda, Democrat running for Queens Borough President’s seat, Golam M.Khan (Miraz) President Bangladesh Liberation War Veterans 1971,USA Inc, and Vice President , New American Democratic Club USA INC.., Selina Sharmin of Queens Public Library and Nayeema khan ,Chairperson ,Khan’s Tutorial and Goodwill Ambassador to the United Nations for education.
L-R Mitchell A Media Personality with honoree Golam M.Khan VP of New American Democratic Club
There was live entertainment, politicians speaking, and Mr Golam Freedom fighter spoke about, his war experience in Bangladesh, who is now a Veteran of that war, other person was Miss Haque, daughter of Shah Shahidul Haque, Co- Organizer of event, Miss Haque spoke about human Genocide, in China for Muslim’s living there.
R-L Dr Abbey with Organizers Farida Yesmin of OPAD & Shah Shahidul Haque President WHRD Inc
Our Executive Producer, Dr.Adal M.Hussain,Phd, Spoke about Global Warming, for approximately, seven minutes, Some of the Topics Channeled were: How Does Global Warming affect human Beings, New York City Officials declared a climate Emergency, Teen Climate Activist Greta Thunberg and What can we do immediately to make a change in the Climate Warming, See exclusive Speech in our World Liberty TV , Humanitarians Channels by Clicking here.
Dr Abbey with honoree Selina Sharmin of QPL
Also Dr, Adal was awarded an award as a Great Humanitarian, Speaker, Scholar and one of the best producers in Television Covering, such topics .Also being honored as the Man of the year 2019, by World Human Rights, Development USA INC, President Shah Shahidul Haque and Farida Yesmin of OPAD-Special Advisor of Business for Bangladesh, who bestowed these honors onto him.
Teenage Haque Speaking about Genocide
In the evening many people were awarded certificate’s People drank mango lassi, the official drink of Bellozino Banquet Hall, South Indian Food and desserts and had a great time.
R-L Monica Haque Ms Planet 2019 with a guest
The event was well organized by the dynamic duo, World Human Rights, Development USA INC, President Shah Shahidul Haque and Farida Yesmin of OPAD-Special Advisor of Business for Bangladesh.
VIP Dinner at Bellozino Banquet Hall
See more about World Human Rights, Development USA INC, in our World Liberty TV, Humanitarian Channel and blogs by clicking here.