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Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) 2 Trillion Dollars Stimulus Package -2020

BY: World Liberty TV Coronavirus (COVID-19) Team

The Federal Reserve is more aggressive than it has ever been in its history of injecting new money into the system. Now if this has you thinking how does creating all this money out of thin air, not not going to create massive inflation? you are perfectly right to be worried!

However assuming you already understand the concept of inflation my answer is, it’s probably not going to create massive inflation and the answer lies in the way new money is 1- distributed and 2- the trust we all have in the dollar.

One they can give money to everyone, like sending stimulus checks to everyone. This can create a lot of inflation because, it can lead to people spending a lot due to abundance and the velocity of that money is really high about 5 to 6 times meaning every 1 dollar you get from the Federal reserve directly, is worth somewhere around 5 to 6 dollars to the economy.

However its a lot different when the federal reserve creates 2 trillion dollars, to give banks comfort and confidence, so as to make sure credit markets don’t freeze up. The velocity of money created for the banks and the feds is very low, 1.4 dollars for every 1 dollar created, with that being said here are my list of best investments to protect against inflation if for some reason we were to ever experience some abnormalities.

Congress has passed the CARES Act, a $2 Trillion stimulus package in response to the devastation caused by COVID-19 pandemic. The package provides relief to businesses of all sizes, the healthcare and education systems, as well as directly to American families.

$560 billion for individuals: Direct Cash Payments: American people and families will receive direct cash payments estimated to total $300 billion. Most people who earn less than $75,000 can expect a one-time cash payment of $1,200. Married couples would each receive a check and families would get $500 per child. That means a family of four earning less than $150,000 can expect $3,400.The checks start to phase down after that and disappear completely for people making more than $99,000 and couples making more than $198,000.

Extra unemployment payments: Related expenses are predicted to total $260 billion but may change based on the number of people who ultimately file. The bill increases the benefits and widens the net for who is eligible to receive them. The bill adds $600/week in federal funds to whatever the state provides, which varies from state to state in amount and duration. Florida provides up to $250 per week, which means out of work individuals in Florida would receive $850/week.

Help for Gig Workers: Gig workers will have access to a new, temporary pandemic Unemployment Assistance program that would pay the same $600/week through the end of this year that would be received by traditionally unemployed workers. Funds would be available to help people who lose work as a direct result of the public health emergency.

Student Loan Assistance: The bill provides for employers to provide up to $5,250 in tax-free student loan repayment benefits to workers, who would not have to include the money as income or pay taxes on it.

 Free Testing: The bill requires all private insurance plans to cover COVID-19 treatments and vaccine and makes all COVID-19 tests free.

$350 billion to support small business relief: Small Business Emergency grants, Forgivable loans, Existing SBA Loan Relief, Tax Credits: The bill provides for a fully refundable tax credit for businesses of all sizes to help them keep workers on the payroll.

$500 billion for large corporations: Airlines: $58 billion is provided to help keep airlines open and operating. Some of those funds are set aside to help cover employee wages, salaries and benefits divided up as up to $25 billion for passenger air carriers, up to $4 billion for cargo air carriers, and up to $3 billion for airline contractors.

339.8 billion for state and local governments: COVID-19 Response: The bill provides $274 billion for specific COVID-19 response efforts. $150 billion in direct aid is included for those state and local governments running out of cash due to infection rates.

Community Development Block Grants: The bill includes $5 billion for community development block grants, $13 billion for K-12 schools, $14 billion for higher education and $5.3 billion for programs for children and families, including child care center assistance.

$47 billion for education and related programs: Workforce Response, Education Stabilization Fund, Safe Schools and Citizenship Education, Other aid for students.

$26 billion for safety net programs: Food banks, School Meals, Food Stamps.

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About Humanitarians of the World Inc, : Humanitarians of the World, Inc. (HOTWINC), is also a not for profit 503(c) tax exempt organization.

One of the goals of HOTWINC is to broadcast Humanitarian activities taking place throughout the world via its official online TV, “World Liberty TV Humanitarian Channel” located at Another goal of the organization is to recognize those individuals and entities that provide humanitarian services through charitable acts or activities throughout the world.

 Medals of recognition will be awarded to those whose humanitarian efforts assist, support, and further the economic, social, mental and physical well-being of the underprivileged, disenfranchised, suffering and/or downtrodden people of the world, as a way of honoring them at the annual fundraising galas, and eventually HOTWINC Hall of Fame annual events.

The primary goal of Humanitarians Of The World Inc. is to help the neediest of people throughout the world wherever they may be in need.

Humanitarians Of The World Inc. does not receive federal, state or city funding but raises money through charitable contributions made by corporate or private concerns. The members of HOTWINC are caring community minded people that give their time and funds, to help those less fortunate and in dire need of assistance. The very essence of the organization’s foundation is the humanitarian causes it serves. Seventy five percent of the money HOTWINC receives through fundraising and other charitable activities will fund the organization’s humanitarian causes.

White House Stimulus Plan of 2 Trillion Dollars will be distributed as mentioned above, see more about Covid-19 in our World Liberty TV Coronavirus Channel and blogs by clicking here.

Also we are in dire need of donations which are almost dried up, we are in dire need of raising money to keep our organization functioning.

We are at this time looking for Donations: of  Money ,Masks, Gloves and Medical Gowns, Which we will donate to our First Responders, Senior Citizens and other needy people if you don’t know, we are based in Queens NY, 3 Blocks from Elmhurst Hospital, (Epic Center of Coronavirus (COVID-19), to make donations please go to Humanitarians of the world inc, by clicking here.

Disclaimer: We under no circumstances offering, medical advice  of any kind, or financial advice you must contact the professionals in the field of medicine and Professionals in the Financial sectors.

These videos and blogs  produced and directed by World Liberty TV, are for only educational purposes to give you information to reach out to the necessary people who might be able to help you.through these tough times during the Coronona Virus (COVID-19).


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