About the I Have a Dream Foundation:
The "I Have A Dream" Foundation is working to ensure that all children have the opportunity to pursue higher education. We empower children in low-income communities to achieve higher education by providing them with guaranteed tuition support and equipping them with...
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Keynote Speech by Dr. Adal M. Hussain PhD, (AKA Dr. Abbey) Founder of Humanitarians of The World Inc. – 2011
Dr. Adal M. Hussain, PhD. (AKA Dr. Abbey), founder of Humanitarians of the World Inc., has the following credentials as a humanitarian:
• Sorvino, Merkin Concert Hall, Lincoln Centre, New York, NY - 12/22/03.
• Slumberettes Humanitarian of the Year Award, presented by Slumberettes President Donna LaRosa...
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The 9th Annual Urban Angel Awards Gala 2012
Dale T. Irvin is the eleventh President of New York Theological Seminary and Professor of World Christianity. He was elected to this position by the Seminary’s Board of Trustees on July 19, 2006 after serving as Acting President since January 1, 2006, and his permanent appointment became...
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Refugees’ International New York Gala – 2012
Refugees’ International advocates for lifesaving assistance and protection for displaced people and promotes solutions to displacement crises. We are an independent organization, and do not accept any government or UN funding.
Refugee crises left unattended threaten stability around the world. There are 42.5 million refugees and internally displaced...
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Dr. Adal M. Hussain, PhD Graduate Ceremony – 2011
Watch Mr. Hussain become Dr. Adal M. Hussain, Phd., receiving a PhD from Dr. Angel Gonzalez, President of the Inter-American University.You will also see more people around the world receiving their degrees as well....
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Exclusive Interview with Jesse Sutton, Co-Founder CEO Majesco Entertainment
As CEO, Jesse Sutton oversees all aspects of our day-to-day operations. As a Majesco co-founder, Jesse brings to our company more than 20 years’ experience in business management and has been instrumental in developing and overseeing all of Majesco's key strategic alliances....
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NBA Baller Beats Game Debut from Majesco Entertainment – New York, 2012
NBA Baller Beats is the first ever motion-based sports video game that requires you to actively play using a real basketball. The music is your guide as you aspire to perform like a proand practice your ball-handling skills while building stamina you’ll need for the court all...
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Exclusive Interview with Nat Sherman,CEO/Publisher of Digital Media Wire Inc. – 2012
As Co-Founder, CEO, and Publisher of Digital Media Wire, Inc., Ned Sherman works at the center of the rapidly growing digital media industry, where he brokers relationships and keeps a tab on the most important developments shaping the industry.
According to the Wall Street Journal, “Publisher Ned Sherman...
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Lisa Marino – Chief Executive Officer,Rock You (2012)
Lisa is one of the key drivers to RockYou's success, and demonstrated strong leadership in her various capacities at the company. Previously Chief Operating Officer, she was instrumental in guiding the company as it dedicated itself to the gaming sector. With her talent for administering change while...
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NY Gaming Conference: The State of The Gaming Industry – A View from The Top (2012)
Industry leaders discussed the current state of the games industry as the business continues its transition towards a digital future.
Key questions that the panel discussed were:
What does it take to make a successful game these days across platforms? What emerging gaming platforms will be the most important...
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