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About: Abbey Muneer

Recent Posts by Abbey Muneer

Caribbean Tourist Organization’s events in New York City -2017

New for Caribbean Week New York, the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) has added a RUM Rumble during Caribbean Media Marketplace (Thursday, June 8) where more than 125 journalists, as well as tourism officials and industry executives,  witnessed  the best-of-the-best Caribbean rum-mixing masters compete for the title of Caribbean Week Mixologist of the Year. The Caribbean Week Mixologist of the Year was  announced at the RUM & Rhythm Benefit where the Rum Rumble finalists  debuted their winning cocktails on Friday, June 9.

Caribbean Week New York is the largest regional tourism activity in the New York area. Artists, performers, celebrity chefs, investors and other strategic partners join government officials and the media as all converge on New York for a week that showcases the diversity and vibrancy of the region.

See more Caribbean Tourist Organizations events in New York City -2017 in our World Liberty TV Travel and Tourism Channels by clicking here

Keynote Speech by James P.O’ Neill Police Commissioner City of NY at ASIS-2017

James P. O’Neill was appointed the 43rd police commissioner of the City of New York by Mayor Bill de Blasio in September 2016. He had served previously as chief of department, the NYPD’s highest uniformed rank. He was instrumental in developing neighborhood policing, which is renewing and recasting the NYPD’s patrol function to provide greater police and community interaction and collaboration.

Widely experienced in both the patrol and the investigative sides of the department, Commissioner O’Neill is a hands-on police practitioner and a dedicated police reformer. He speaks with urgency about the need for police to evolve if they are to succeed in connecting with communities, and about keeping people safe in the 21st century.

Police Commissioner O’Neill began his law enforcement career in 1983 with the Transit Police, which was then an independent police department. He credits his time on patrol on the trains and platforms of the subway system with helping him learn how to interact and communicate with a wide range of people, a skill he regards as essential to successful police work. He had risen to lieutenant by the time of the 1995 merger of the Transit Police with the NYPD.

As a lieutenant in the NYPD, he worked at the police academy and the warrant squad before being promoted to captain and executive officer in the 52nd Precinct in the northern Bronx. He served as the commanding officer of three successive precincts: Central Park, the 25th Precinct in eastern Harlem, and the 44th Precinct in the western Bronx. He was C.O. of the 25th Precinct during the attacks of September 11th and remembers being proud of the way his fellow officers from all across the department came together to help and protect people during that crisis.

Neighborhood policing—which is a crime-fighting plan above all else—has been implemented in more than half of New York City precincts, as well as all of the NYPD Housing Bureau police service areas, and is serving more than three million New Yorkers. It is the largest, best-funded, best-staffed community-policing initiative ever undertaken in the United States. Commissioner O’Neill’s reforms are taking hold and will have a far-reaching and positive influence all across New York City.

Commissioner O’Neill grew up in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn and was one of seven children. He has two sons, Daniel and Christopher. He is an avid hockey player and motorcyclist.

Commissioner O’Neill has a clear vision of where he is taking the.

/2/”> New York City Police Department.

“Fighting crime is what we get paid to do,” he says. “But we can’t do that unless we achieve full partnership with the community. Unless we have that connectivity, it’s not going to work.”

We at World Liberty TV , had  pleasure of meeting James P.O’ Neill  Police Commissioner City of NY, at ASIS International /New York Chapter Luncheon  ,where Commissioner O’ Neill  was honored as the Person of the Year ,awarded the highest award ASIS International presents annually, see what he had to say in his speech .

See more about James P.O’ Neill  Police Commissioner City of NY, in our World Liberty TV Political Channel by clicking here.

Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Redentor) 7th wonder of the World in Rio de Janeiro Brazil-2017

Christ the Redeemer (statue), is an Art Deco statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, created by French sculptor Paul Landowski and built by the Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa, in collaboration with the French engineer Albert Caquot. Romanian sculptor Gheorghe Leonida fashioned the face. The statue is 30 metres (98 ft) tall, not including its 8-metre (26 ft) pedestal, and its arms stretch 28 metres (92 ft) wide.

The statue weighs 635 metric tons (625 long, 700 short tons), and is located at the peak of the 700-metre (2,300 ft) Corcovado mountain in the Tijuca Forest National Park overlooking the city of Rio. A symbol of Christianity across the world, the statue has also become a cultural icon of both Rio de Janeiro and Brazil, and is listed as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.It is made of reinforced concrete and soapstone, and was constructed between 1922 and 1931.

See exclusive footage Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Redentor)  7th wonder of the World in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, also see the Church in the back of the statue as well as some of the greatest  scenery one can see in Rio de  Janeiro Brazil .

See more of Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Redentor)  7th wonder of the World in Rio de Janeiro Brazil-2017 in  World Liberty TV Travel and Tourism Channel by Clicking here.


Humanitarians of the World Inc Poor Family Presentation at Santa Marta Favela Rio de Janeiro-2017

The Most important part of the Tour was , The Presentation to Homeless, Needy and Poor families in one of the poorest  neiborhoods  Santa Marta Favela in Rio de Janeiro ,Brazil .Where Michael Jackson – They Don’t Care About Us – favela Santa Marta Rio shot his video .

We had gifts for close to 50 People, which we took in 2 full suitcase’s, packed where we could not put anything in them.

We were told by many people that we should not go to the Santa Marta Favela, Rio de Janeiro, they told us everything in the world what can go wrong, and that we might not come back, well with all that said, we still decided to go, because the Mission of Humanitarians of the World Inc, (HOTWINC), is helping the poorest of Poor around the World , and Santa Marta Favela, Rio de Janeiro, had this group of people there.

We were introduced  to Mr Elias Duarte, who is a local tour Guide in the Neiborhood , he asked us what we wanted to do, we told him about our Mission of Humanitarians of the World Inc, (HOTWINC), is helping the poorest of Poor around the World and we wanted to give the Gifts to many of the Poor Families and Children, in the Santa Marta Favela, Mr Elias did not speak English only Portuguese , and very little Spanish and one of our team members spoke to him in Spanish and he translated back to us.

Elais told him that he was born in the santa Marta Favela, Rio de Janeiro, he got his self in many troubles and saw much things happening , which he shared with us , about  extreme Poverty, Killings, and many many more criminal activities happening in the favela, he told us he was one of the lucky ones , by being alive and doing something with his life, he also went on to say he has a house in the santa Marta Favela, and stays there and attends to stay here for the rest of his life, because that is his people and home.

He then told our guide, through broken Spanish, that he personally will take us on the tour, because  since we came all the way from New York , to present gifts to his people , he will not charge us any money at all , but help us to distribute the Gifts to the Poorest of Poor living in the Santa Marta Favela.

For a man only 5ft 2inchs and weighting  115 Ibs , Elais asked us to give him our White bag with Gifts , easily weighing  close to 150IBS, and we did that and he swung it on his back and told us to follow him.

We took the Cable Car, which makes  4 Stops, from the bottom upwards, Elias told us that we will take the cable car to the 4th Level , where most of the Poor families were  living in very poor conditions and they would be good to get the gifts we had to offer them.

First Person he introduced us was an older lady in her 70’s , who had 10 children and most of her Children are dead or in jail and she was taking care of 15 Grand Children ,in her apartment.

The Apartment was crumbling, very poor infrastructure, no furniture  and a lot of Debris .

We left enough gifts , for her grand  children and then moved to the next  needy family, this was a single mother of 2 husband left here again the 1 room shack she was with here ,with here children  after giving here gifts and wishing here the best , we moved to an Disabled lady with 4 Children , again no husband , being a single mom of four , we gave her enough gifts, for her and her 4 children, and she told Elias to thank our Humanitarians of the World Inc , and Dr.Adal and his team for helping people like herself , that made me feel good that we are making a difference with people.

So we can carry on and on with so many stories of Poverty and more poverty ,See exclusive footage right here in this video.Elias after that took us to the Michael Jackson , Statue which is erected on the 4th Level , where we distributed the Gifts to many of the Poor families, so I asked through the interpreter , why did Michael Jackson , do the Video here in at Santa Marta Favela, Rio de Janeiro, where he could of did it any where.Elais replied by telling us that he was here , and was one of the organizers  for the Video , and he had asked the question to Michael Jackson, and was told ,Michael cared about the People and read and heard so many stories about what was happening in the Santa Marta Favela, and with his They Don’t Care About Us Video wanted to bring attention World Wide, and showcase it in a positive way.

At that time Elias had a tear rolling down his cheek, and told us if it was not for Michael Jackson and his Video, he probably would not be working as a tour guide, since the video went viral  it bought so much attention, to Santa Marta Favela, millions of people come to tour the favela and see the Michael Jackson’s Statue and the mural that are erected in his honor and also the Mayor of Rio has proclaimed it The Michael Jackson day. Elais went out to say Michael is loved by every person here in Santa Marta Favela, he will never be forgotten and he was one of the Greatest Humanitarian Ambassadors we ever had.., We don’t care what people said, about him, to us he was the greatest thing happened to us and we will always have a special place in our hearts for him.

In conclusion, I was blessed to have a tour guide, like Elias who informed us about all these things , and took us around from the Goodness of his heart, without charging us anything, as I tried to give him some money for his time, he again refused to take it, and told me if people like you can come from New York to help my people, then I can least do this by donating my services.  For me and my team it was a great lesson ,and a wonderful opportunity to continue our Mission with Humanitarians of the World Inc, (Hotwinc), helping the Poorest of Poor in the World .

We will be making many trips to Santa Marta Favela, in the coming years and work on some programs , in helping the youths, by buying them Soccer Shoes, Jerseys  ,so they can practice soccer and hey you never know , maybe another PELE might emerge.

To help with Humanitarians of the World Inc, (HOTWINC) , please feel free log on to our website by clicking here.

See more of Humanitarians of the World Inc ,Poor Family Presentation at Santa Marta Favela, Rio de Janeiro-2017 , in World Liberty TV, Humanitarian Channel by Clicking here.




Tour of Angra dos Reis and 365 islands in Southwest of Rio de Janeiro Brazil-2017

This is a must tour if you like water, mountains and open sea tour, we like to start of by thanking Javier Terol  our Tour guide who was on top on his game explaining everything we needed to know about this tour, and spent huge time with our team , that we got the necessary information we needed for our World Liberty TV , Travel and Tourism Channels, Thank you Javier .

In this Video you will see exclusive footage of Agra Dos Reis and the 365 Islands, Clear water from the Atlantic Ocean, Swimming, Boating, Snorkeling, exclusive footage of the Blue Lagoon, with fish’s swimming by, yes you will see me swimming in the Blue Lagoon with the fishes.

Located 155 Km from Rio de Janeiro, in the region of the Costa Verde, 365 Islands and more than 50 beaches form one of the most famous bays in Brasil: Angra dos Reis. It carries this name for it was discovered in January 1502, Day of Kings.

The best program in Angra`s bay is to go on a schooner tour through the Cataguás, Gipóia and Francisco islands. The built-up area of the municipality also has its charms, featuring a rich historical heritage with churches, plazas, mansions and museums.

See more of Tour of Angra dos Reis and  365 islands  in Southwest of  Rio de Janeiro  Brazil-2017, in our World Liberty TV , Travel and Tourism Channel by Clicking here.

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