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About: Abbey Muneer

Recent Posts by Abbey Muneer

Interview With Hugh Riley, Secretary General/CEO of Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) – 2011

As the chief executive officer, Mr. Riley oversees the CTO’s offices in Barbados, North America, the UK and Europe and leads the organization’s initiatives to strengthen relations with the tourism industry’s key strategic partners; these include hotels, airlines, cruise lines and all categories of retailers and wholesale packagers of the Caribbean’s tourism products.

His responsibility is to deliver the CTO’s mission as the Caribbean’s tourism development agency, providing specialized services and technical support to thirty-three governments and a variety of private sector members in the areas of marketing, human resource development, communication, research and statistics, information technology and sustainable tourism development.

Interview with Caribbean Tourism Organization’s Chairman, Senator Richard “Ricky” Skeritt – 2012

Richard Oliver Skerritt, more affectionately known as “Ricky”, became Minister of State with responsibility for Tourism, Sports & Culture in 2004 following the October general elections of the Federation of St. Kitts & Nevis.

Throughout his distinguished life and career, Minister Skerritt has been heavily involved in varied pursuits related to his current position. He began his working life as a science teacher at his alma mater, the Basseterre High School, where he excelled in sports and academia. Skerritt subsequently held top positions in private enterprise on St. Kitts, such as: Delisle Walwyn & Co. Ltd – a leading travel and tourism company, Blue Water Safaris, the Ocean Terrace Inn Group of Companies and the St. Kitts Bottling Co., Ltd.

Prior to his Ministerial appointment, he was the first full time Manager of the West Indies Cricket Team; cricket being a sport he had been affiliated with at all levels for over twenty years. It is therefore no surprise that Ricky has been instrumental in attracting international cricket at the highest level to St. Kitts and Nevis, which was a host venue for the International Cricket Council Cricket World Cup (ICC CWC) 2007.

American Book Sellers Association (ABA) Awards Luncheon (2013)

The American Booksellers Association presents educational sessions at Book Expo of America (BEA) that are designed for independent booksellers and are open to all BEA attendees. This year, in order to maximize members’ interactions with the industry as a whole, ABA Education is being developed jointly with the BEA, and sessions will be presented both on Wednesday, May 29, as well as at other times during the course of the Expo. What was known as the ABA Day of Education has evolved to become Bookselling Today & ABA Education.

The Bookselling and Author Awards Lunch was held during the BEA on Thursday, May 30 from 12:15 to 1:45 p.m. in the Special Events Hall of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. This year’s event featured the presentation of the 2013 Indies Choice Book Awards and the E.B. White Read-Aloud Awards.

Book Expo of America (BEA) 2013

Book Expo of America, the annual book industry trade show, provides booksellers with opportunities to network with colleagues, preview publishers’ upcoming titles, and discover new vendors. Programming for attendees includes a multitude of education and information sessions, as well as author breakfasts, lunches, and other special events. Booksellers register for the trade show directly with the BEA.

World Liberty TV and its Book Review team were on hand to interview the following Authors and publishers for our World Liberty TV Book Review Channel:
Sharon Lechter, Founder/CEO of Pay Your Family First; Don M. Green, Executive Director of The Napoleon Hill Foundation; Patricia Marks, CEO of Ellora’s Cave Publishing; John Mottern, Publisher of Rhoda’s Ocean; Tucker Collins, PR for Sounds True Publishing; Jim Pennypacker, Publisher of Maven House Press; and Dr. Salim Acmalik, General Director of Internal Affairs of Ministry of Higher Education of Saudi Arabia.

Kevin L. Michel, Presidential Impersonator Promoting the book Fool Me Twice (2012)

The news that HBO was planning a 2011 documentary film chronicling the meteoric rise of Barack Obama came to no one as a surprise. Many had suggested that it would be difficult to cast someone to play the President, and this would be a difficult casting decision. I am blogging to celebrate the amazing selection HBO has made of comedian Kevin Michel to play the president.
At first one would think a comedian a radical (or maverick) choice, but Kevin has succeeded in capturing the essence of the superstar president. Having only recently begun work on the impression, Mr. Michel has made great strides in mimicking Obama and is notably very funny. Here he is doing a spoof of an Obama press conference.
World Liberty TV had the pleasure of interviewing Kevin L. Michel, Presidential Impersonator promoting the book, Fool Me Twice at The BEA 2012. See what he had to say about Michelle and Bo, The Dog.

Dr. Modi Malkalaf, Reviewing Books for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at The BEA NY 2012

The Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM), implements Saudi national educational and training policies to provide our country with qualified individuals capable of achieving the country’s goals of progress and development. We strive to provide our students with the best possible educational opportunities at the best educational institutions in the U.S.A. We support our students academically and financially so that they may concentrate on achieving their academic goals. We also collect and disseminate information that reflects Saudi culture, tradition, and heritage through our active participation in academic, cultural, and social activities.
World Liberty TV had the pleasure of speaking to Dr. Modi Malkalaf from The Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM), representing Saudi Arabia at the Book Expo of America 2012. See what she had to say about the books they were promoting from Saudi Arabia.

Interview with Helen Patton of Patton Publishing and the Granddaughter of General Patton at The BEA NY Show 2012

The new book by photographers Robert Miller and Andrew Wakeford presents vignettes representing a cross-section of living war veterans who have made personal sacrifices and, in many cases, have undergone the horrors of combat. The authors approached this project with a desire to recognize these servicemen and women visually through portrait-quality photos combined with personal remembrances of their individual experiences and service to their country.
Miller and Wakeford spent over two years interviewing more than 150 vets from five different wars. Among the more than 70 veterans represented in Portraits of Service, some are famous and some are homeless, but they all have one very important thing in common: they put their lives on the line for freedom.
World Liberty TV Book Review team was on hand to interview Ms. Helen Patton, the Granddaughter of General Patton at the BEA 2012.

Interview with Steven Scholl, President White Cloud Press – 2011

For far too long, the story of American Muslims has been told by others; rarely do American Muslim men emerge as protagonists of their own narratives, representing their religion or depicted in a way other than as violent extremists, misogynists, and irrational, angry, bearded brown men.
Although the United States strives to be a place where its citizens are encouraged to coexist and thrive, the practice of scapegoating often prevails, creating unnecessary economic, social and cultural divides. African Americans, Native Americans, Irish, Jews, Italians, and Japanese have all experienced challenges to their American experience. American Muslims are not exempt, often targets of fear-based attacks, while the media and the entertainment industry all too often serve up negative images of Islam’s followers.
Recent examples of events that have contributed to this negative narrative include:
• The New York Police Department is caught spying on Muslims based on religious activities and without any evidence of wrong-doing.
• 47% of Americans recently polled said the values of Islam are at odds with American values.
• In 2011, 49 bills were introduced in 29 states to ban Shariah law.
• 41% of Americans would be uncomfortable if a teacher at the elementary school in their community were Muslim.
Co-edited by playwright, humorist, and lawyer Wajahat Ali, All-American: 45 American Men on Being Muslim (June 2012), White Cloud Press, ISBN: 978-1-935952-59-6, $16.95) highlights voices of an emerging and impactful generation of American men that seek to debunk and re-orient existing narratives of their faith and their community.

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