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About: Abbey Muneer

Recent Posts by Abbey Muneer

Errol Spence Jr VS Leonard Bundu Boxing Press Conference NYC-2016

American professional boxer who fights in the welterweight division. As an amateur he represented the United States at the 2012 Olympics, where he reached the welterweight quarter-finals.

Spence won the 2011 U.S. National Champion at Welterweight at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, which he had won in 2009 and 2010.

On April 16, 2016, Spence became the first boxer to stop Chris Algieri (21-2, 8 KOs) inside the distance at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Spence did what Manny Pacquiao and Amir Khan could not do before him. This was also a seventh straight knockout. After the bout Spence claimed he was the mandatory for Kell Brook’s IBF World title saying “Kell Brook knows what time it is. We got to get in the ring and fight.”. IBF later stated that Spence must have a final eliminator before he is declared mandatory challenger. The end came when Spence delivered a left hook to Algieri’s face. The hard shot sent Algieri straight to the canvas and referee Benjy Esteves didn’t hesitate to stop the fight.

World Liberty TV,Boxing Team was on hand at Spence VS Bundu  NY Press Conference  ,for the Fight which will take place on Sunday Aug 21 st  2016 at the Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk, Brooklyn , See what Errol Spence had to say about his boxing career thus far,right here in our World Liberty TV,Boxing Channel.

To See more about the Errol Spence Jr VS Leonard Bundu See World Liberty TV Boxing.



Fall 2016 Healthy Brand Showcase Vendors-NYC

By: Art Campomanes Staff Writer for World Liberty TV Pics BY: AL CAPLAN FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHY  The Following exhibitors participated in the Healthy Brand Showcase:  Zesty Z: Zesty Z is a new Mediterranean spread and condiment whose main ingredient is za'atar. Zesty Z is vegan, GF, and all natural. Customers love that...
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Interview with Kent Stetson Founder of Kent Stetsons Handbags Art to-go-2016

USA –made products with fair wages are inherently more expensive than foreign made goods.The profit margins for each piece  are small relative to those designer labels manufactured overseas.Think of how expensive it is to have a piece of art professionally framed –several hundred dollars for a small pic.

A small team and over $1000,000 of equipment go into making each bag.

“Is it hand-painted” no.The Designer creates the image ,which is then digitally printed onto the canvas ,laminated, assembled,and sewn all fron his workshop in Rhode Island.

“Is it leather” no.It is a digital print on a coated cotton canvas.Note for vegan customers: we use scraps from our leather products to make the very small tabs that hold the shoulderstrap d-rings in place. This is part of our commitment to generating no waste-however by request we can make a bag using vinyl for this piece.

How does it wear?”  The prints are coated ,so they are durable .They wear like colored leather ,so should be stored in their dustbags  for travel ,and avoid excessive abrasion or scratching.

Will the thing fall of the flap?” not without extreme efforts .The Flap attachments are all fused  on with industrial –grade adhesives and then sewn in place with bonded nylon thread .The attachments are made from foam, resin ,and polymers.If the attachment is “squishy “. Do not squeeze it hard as it can crack.

Fun Facts: –There are nearly 50 steps that go in to making each bag.

-We believe that the inside of the bag is an important part of the experience of using a bag, and therefore your customers will be surprised and delighted when you share the vibrant linings that individually complement each print.

-Each piece is hand-traced and cut without dies.

-The entire process is done in the USA, and the majority of materials and components that go in to making each bag are USA-Sourced .

-Although sold all over the world and popular among celebrities, our production  facility can only produce 10,000 pieces a year, making them truly special collectors items.

-Every piece is made-to-order, there is no overstock ,and we do not mark-down.

-Our ecologically –conscientious production facility generates only one bag of trash a week.

-Getting each print to “line up” is a painstakingly exact process that takes very careful preparations and individual attention for each piece.

To learn more about Kent Stetson and his wonderful Stetson bags.


World Liberty TV, had the pleasure of interviewing Mr  Kent Stetson at the ATS New York Show recently , see what he had to say to us, right here in our World Liberty TV, Fashion review channel.

Dominican Day Parade Gala Honoring & Empowering our Dominican Women NYC- 2016

The Dominican Day Parade (DDP) revealed the names of 25 extraordinary Dominican women driving change across the fields of science, public service, arts and business, who will be honored at this year’s gala and parade. The first time the Dominican Day Parade takes an active role in celebrating the contributions of Dominican women, a key focus for the new board of directors, which was established in 2015.

The long-list of honorees is made up of notable women including a young Dominican activist known for helping women embrace their natural curls, to distinguished visual artists, whose work has been shown in the Smithsonian Museum of American Art, The Newark Museum, and El Muse o Del Barrio among many others. These are just a few examples of the remarkable Dominican women being honored by the Dominican Day Parade this year.

See More about the Dominican Day Parade Events 2016.

Humanitarians of The World Inc Street Homeless Presentation Aug 6th 2016-NYC

On Sat August 6th 2016, at the Jackson Heights Park in Queens, Close to Elmhurst Hospital, Humanitarians of The World Inc , (HOTWINC) , Did a Street Homeless Presentation, to over 20 Male Homeless People , living in the Streets.

Each Person Got a Tote Bag Full , of Food , Clothing with consisted of : Tee-Shirts, Caps, Backpacks, Sanitizing Cream, Water Bottle, Fresh Sandwiches, Fresh Fruits, Healthy Snacks and healthy bars, Healthy Prepared Salads , Fruit Juices and fresh waters ,and much  more.

Since Aug 2015, on a weekly basis, Humanitarians of The World Inc , packages these bags for about 20 Street Homeless people, and alongside our volunteers, we present these to the Street Homeless people, Close to 960 Bags filled with food and  basic necessities, has been given to the  Street Homeless people, so far this year. If we keep on pace close to over 1000 Bags will be given   before the year 2016, is over impacting over 200 Street Homeless individuals.

We would say Seventy Percent (70%), of the food items are bought by Humanitarians of The World Inc , with 30% given in kind donations, basic necessities items  Sixty percent (60%) is in kind donations, from Corporations and individuals , and Thirty Percent (30%) is bought by Humanitarians of The World Inc .

Humanitarians of the World Inc, has helped close to half million throughout the world, since it’s been in existence for the past 6 years.

Humanitarians of The World Inc.., is presently looking for   Donation of a used Mini-van so we can , do more of our Needy family , Homeless Street Work ,at this time we are using volunteer’s personal cars and limits us in our work, if you have a Mini-Van or might know someone who can donate it , please contact us immediately, you will get a full Tax Donation for your Donation  Since we are a 501(c)(3), Non-Profit Organization based here in New York City. To make a donation go to

The primary goal of Humanitarians Of The World Inc. is to help the

Neediest of people throughout the world wherever they may be in need.

Humanitarians Of The World Inc. does not receive federal, state or city funding but raises money through charitable contributions made by corporate or private concerns. The members of HOTWINC are caring community minded people that give their time and funds, to help those less fortunate and in dire need of assistance. The very essence of the organization’s foundation is the humanitarian causes it serves. Seventy five percent of the money HOTWINC receives through fundraising and other charitable activities will fund the organization’s humanitarian causes.

See More about Humanitarians Street family 2016 Presentation.

Mode Lingerie and Swim Curve NY Summer-2016

Eurovet Americas/CURVEXPO presented the Spring/Summer 2017 collections of more than 350 Intimate, Swim, and Men’s Underwear brands to the top North American retailers.

For August 2016, Eurovet Americas/CURVEXPO highlighted the streamlining of the CURVENY NEW YORK show as well as the exciting new location of CURVENV Hosted by PROJECT WOMENS.  For CURVENY NEW YORK, attendees were  able to easily find brands, booth numbers, and appointments via the updated Mobile Application and Interactive Floorplan.  For both CURVENY NEW YORK and CURVENV Hosted by PROJECT WOMENS, the New Account Program as well as the Personal Shopper Program will be available; both aid in the discovery of new brands.

See more Mode Lingerie and Swim Curve NY Summer-2016.

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