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Arthlene Legair Couture Designer from Dominica/USA – 2012

Prolific and award-winning fashion designer Arthlene Legair presented her latest collection on the runway at the next Couture Fashion Week in New York 2012.

Arthlene Laudat Legair, designer and CEO of LeGair Brand Ltd. of Columbus, Ohio, is a native of the Caribbean island of Dominica. She is a talented seamstress, stylist and the wardrobe designer for Awalkonwater Entertainment LLC; her design is on the cover and also featured in the movie The Best Supporting Daddy. Ms. Legair’s designs reflect her international background and include formal, couture, and business attire for teens and adults. She also creates her own unique accessories.

Ms. Legair’s designs have been featured in numerous fashion shows, publications and events including the C.O. tour of Columbus, Miss Black Ohio, Hair Meets Fashion, International Fellowship Women’s Conference, I Wear African, Unveiled Dreams, ABEC’S Small Business Review, The Conscious Voice magazine, Channel 10 News, Girlfriends’ Talk magazine, Sparks magazine (UK), 614 magazine, at MIT University in Boston, and many more.

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