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Nelson Mandela’s The Elders Event NYC-2024

Are we ready to lead together? A Critical Intergenerational Dialogue on Existential Threats

Humanity is at a tipping point. The climate and nature crisis, pandemics, nuclear weapons, and the emerging risks of AI present escalating threats that put all humanity at risk.

As leaders gather in New York for the UN Summit of the Future at UNGA 2024, it is time to change direction.

We need decision-makers who understand the urgency of the existential threats we face, and can demonstrate the courage and determination to overcome them. The Elders believe that with bold, long-view leadership our best future can still lie ahead of us.

On the eve of the UN Summit of the Future, The Elders and distinguished guests invite you to a series of solutions-oriented, intergenerational dialogues on addressing the greatest existential threats facing humanity.

The program was as followed: Opening remarks from Elders, guests and a performance by aja monet, Panel discussion and Q&A: Frontline Solutions to Existential Threats.

Intergenerational Dialogues: Harnessing Collective Wisdom, Presentation of an Intergenerational Manifesto.

Some of the panelists and speakers included: Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights; Chair of The Elders.

Juan Manuel Santos, Former President of Colombia and Nobel Peace Laureate, Ernesto Zedillo, Former President of Mexico.

Helen Clark, Former Prime Minister of New Zealand and Head of the UN Development Program. Elbegdorj Tsakhia, Former President and Prime Minister of Mongolia, aja monet, Grammy-nominated Surrealist Blues Poet.

Emma Pike, Lex International; nuclear disarmament expert, activist, and peace educator, Fatou Wurie , Founder, Youterus Health and Harvard Doctoral Candidate.

Flávia Bellaguarda, Executive Director, LACLIMA, Max Tegmark, President, Future of Life Institute; Physicist, Professor and AI researcher at MIT and many more.

The Elders was founded by Nelson Mandela in 2007. We are an independent group of global leaders working for peace, justice, human rights and a sustainable planet.

Our vision is a world where people live in peace, conscious of their common humanity and their shared responsibilities for each other, the planet and future generations; where there is universal respect for human rights; where poverty has been eliminated and people are free from fear and oppression, and able to fulfil their true potential.

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