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Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement Inc (HCCI) – Jamboree Fundraiser Cruise on the Hudson

Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement, Inc. (HCCI) is committed to the holistic revitalization of Harlem. They provide economic development and empowerment opportunities to help Harlem residents rebuild and sustain their community.

Founded in 1986, HCCI is a coalition of more than 90 inter-faith congregations that has implemented a comprehensive portfolio of programs to provide affordable housing and safe streets; offers opportunities for individuals and groups to become and remain economically independent; increase understanding of and access to health care; and provide substantive educational programs for adults and young people.

Through alliances with other community organizations, elected officials and local residents, HCCI has also helped reduce crime in the community; increase public sanitation; and preserve and transform open space. It is headed by Derek E. Broomes, President/CEO.

World Liberty TV’s Executive Producer was on hand to cover the jamboree. With cruise festivities around the Hudson, great food, comedy by Jimique Straker, and a live performance by Ray, Goodman & Brown, the event was a delight to attend.

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