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Interview with Tim Tahari Harris Editor & Chief & Creative Dir CHROMOSOME X Magazine Debut at NYFW -2020

Chromosome X magazine is a unicorn of a magazine The unique in so many ways as it is primarily a fashion and music magazine

Chromosome X has cleverly fused two of the biggest arenas of entertainment which is fashion and music to deliver its message.

I was honored when my close friend and fellow artist Marcello Costa owner of Team M.C. came to me with an offer

The offer was for me to create a magazine and propose it to his friend Edward Garcia owner of M.J. records and if he liked the idea, then he would finance the magazine.

We did a meeting and I came prepared with three magazine treatments, however as soon as I read the first treatment Chromosome X, the first thing Edward said was “How soon can we get started”

Chromosome X spoke to Mr Garcia immediately as it is now about to speak to the world the same way

Marcello coming from the world of fashion and beauty, Edward Garcia coming from the world of music and production, and me having background in each of these fields, makes this a perfect union

Along with fashion stories and interview with recording artist and producers. Chromosome X will also feature hot spots around the U.S., restaurant reviews, poetry, fine art, travel, and more

It is an exciting men and women’s fashion magazine that will explode with famous designers, newly discovered designers, and an plethora of diversity of models and talent from all over the world.

Chromosome X is not a men’s magazine or a women’s magazine, it is not a black magazine or a white magazine. It is simply a gender-less important piece of art that offers something for everyone

“Because the x chromosome is the chromosome that bonds us all”

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