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5th TechStyle Fashion Week Showcase & Lounge-2016

TechStyle NYC l opened its doors at noon to an all-day, influencer-only event, sure to surprise and spoil simultaneously. A brand showcase come beauty bonanza, the experiential endeavor encourages attendees to peruse and play dress-up; vacation into the virtual and dive in glam first to all the experience has to offer. From 3D designed nail jewelry to 3D printed sunglasses, on-demand coiffing services, cocktails and more, there will be plenty of activities to Instagram about!

In its 5th incarnation, TechStyle NYC will emerge in a 3,900 square foot, fashion-week friendly venue atset suitably between Skylight Clarkson Square and Milk Studios. Brought to us by Fashion-Tech Fusionist, Janine Just, the three-year-old initiative has ever served as a meet and greet for media and those brands reflecting the New, Now and Next in the fashion, beauty, tech and lifestyle genres. With May’s Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute Gala theme revealed “Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology”, the TechStyle NYC event series has experienced a plethora of new interest.

“We as people are innately empowered by the ideas of ‘accessibility’ and ‘possibility’,” explains Just. These new technologies are not about what we will be doing in 20 years, but what is going to enhance our everyday lives today and tomorrow. TechStyle NYC creates this platform highlighting the elegant and extraordinary -inspiring awe and excitement!”

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