Monthly Archives: July 2014

Wearable Tech Expo at New York City-2014

Wearable Tech Conference & Expo III, the leading wearable tech industry event held on July 23-24, 2014, was relocating to the Javits Convention Center in New York City, NY. Fitness and Sports Technology (FAST) Conference II, held on July 22, 2014, will also be moving to the...
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Sweet Suite and Blogger Bash by The Big Toy 2014

Parent bloggers have become some of the most influential voices when it comes to promoting new brands and products. Over the past five to seven years, we’ve seen influential leaders emerge in this space, garnering thousands of followers and creating complete online communities. These women (and often...
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CEA New York Week Product Reviews (3) 2014

Denon HEOS 3 Wireless Speaker Ideal for small to medium sized rooms, such as bedrooms, offices or kitchens. This compact but full-featured speaker plays cloud music, music stored on your phone or tablet, plus USB and NAS sources, too. It also features a carefully designed blend of two...
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