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15th Annual ROI Super Saturday Event NYC-2024

The Purpose of the Retail Orphan Initiative (RetailROI) is to raise awareness and provide real solutions for the more than 400 million vulnerable children worldwide.

RetailROI has 3 primary goals: Bring Awareness to the enormous needs of orphans worldwide: There are over 143 Million Orphans in the world, according to UNICEF.

If Orphans were a country, they would be the 8th largest…larger than Russia.A child dies every 5.2 seconds…. that’s over 16,000 children EVERY DAY.

In the NY foster care system, 60% of children who age out end up homeless. More children age out of care systems in 1 week than are adopted in an entire year.

 Encourage companies: (Retailers, Vendors, Manufacturers) to create programs internally for their companies to help with the need:

Be mentors for foster kids in your area    Provide non-paid leave for employees who adopt or who are foster parents, establish grant or no-interest loan programs for employees who want to adopt.

Raise Funds:  through the following ways to help “feet on the street” charities who are making a real difference: Direct donations from companies and individuals.

Making RetailROI a charity that receives matching funds from your company, specially marked packages of toys, cereals, and clothing for kids.

Roundup for Orphans at the point-of-sale where consumers can round up their transactions to the nearest $.

There are several ways for you to get involved in Retail ROI. We’ve broken it down below, depending on your specific interests.

The journey of a million miles begins with a single step. Will you take one step with us today? Do one thing, and invite one person to take one step. Then, ask them to do the same .Celebrating our 15th year, Retail ROI is once again bringing together retail’s most prominent thinkers.

For revealing discussions on retail technology. Join us on Saturday and you will also change the world for a child..

Charity Keynote speaker was Darryl McDaniel’s of RunDMC ,Hip Hop Pioneer,who was adopted as an child, listen to his keynote in our World Liberty TV, Entertainment Channels by clicking here.

It was a great event, retail Tycoons and professionals helping and supporting Retail Orphan Initiative, and many children worldwide. We want to thank Greg Buzek Founder and president of Retail Orphan Initiative, for his kind invite, his heart and soul is in the right place bringing all the people together to support a great humanitarian cause.

See More about Retail Orphan Initiative, in our World Liberty TV, Business Channels by clicking here, and also to listen to Darryl McDaniel’s of RunDMC, Hip Hop Pioneer, in our World Liberty TV, Entertainment Channels  by clicking here.

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