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Keynote Speech by Dr. Adal M. Hussain PhD, (AKA Dr. Abbey) Founder of Humanitarians of The World Inc. – 2011

Dr. Adal M. Hussain, PhD. (AKA Dr. Abbey), founder of Humanitarians of the World Inc., has the following credentials as a humanitarian:

• Sorvino, Merkin Concert Hall, Lincoln Centre, New York, NY – 12/22/03.

• Slumberettes Humanitarian of the Year Award, presented by Slumberettes President Donna LaRosa and Actor VinnyVella (Sopranos) – 02/01/05.

• Humanitarian and Journalist Award presented by United Nations Delegates and Greater New York Chamber of Commerce, at United Nations, New York, NY – 02/17/04.

Proclamations from U.S. Politicians, including U.S. Senator Charles Schumer, U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton, Congressman Joseph Crowley, State Senator Kevin Parker, NYS Comptroller Alan Hevesi, NYS Assemblyman Ivan Lafayette, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, NYC Comptroller William Thompson Jr., Former NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Former NYC Mayor David Dinkins, Manhattan Borough President C. Virginia Fields, Queens Borough President Helen Marshall, Former Queens Borough President Claire Schulman, Council Speaker Peter Vallone Sr., District 40 Councilwoman Yvette Clarke, District 23 Councilman David Weprin, 25th District Councilwoman Helen Sears, Public Advocate Betsy Gothbaum.

Over an additional 250 awards internationally received for humanitarian work done throughout the world.

Dr. Abbey made a keynote speech at the United Nations, in regarding helping children around the world. Take a look at his aspiring speech.

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